Royalty Free Stock Footage DVD – released recently!

The February 20th release went through largely without a hitch, with the first massive batch of 36 new clips ready on DVD. And although nobody’s actually rated the new DVD media content yet, or even paid for or bought a copy of the DVD, I nonetheless kept moving forward and added the extra bonus content to the collection as of Feb. 28, 2018, expanding the total count of new elements to 60 in all, even if not every page reflects this update yet.

The page for the product on is here – $5.99 for a digital-download only version and $14.99 to have it shipped to you:

2018 Complete Collection – Stock Video & Textures – DVD

Plus you can also find various steeply discounted copies right now on my eBay shop here:

My eBay listings

And there are some previews and SD downloads of at least some of the clips, here on

Main Stock Media page on Triumphant Artists

Previews of some of the new content on the 2018 DVD

I’m sorry it’s taken so long to post all the files, there are still many placeholders on the page but that kind of thing happens when you’re gone for a few days to attend a memorial service.

I have – FYI – postponed a lot of things somewhat due to the passing away of my uncle Kent Hornbostel. His death has been a traumatic experience for my immediate and extended family. He’ll be sorely missed by all who knew him.

INCIDENTALLY: I’ve just launched a substantial and very well-targeted $30+ ad campaign so I’m pretty certain that my network will see a boom in visitors for the next week or so. I’m betting the new stock media DVD will finally see a wave of sales and ratings by the end of March 2018… a month after release. I’m fairly confident this product line will be a success and popular on eBay and maybe even on the shop as well. This could go really well and I’m hoping that with your assistance it will, but we’ll see.




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